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Troika provides leadership for Additive Manufacturing Wargame

Recently, Troika Solutions provided facilitation support to the Additive Manufacturing Business Process Wargame sponsored by the National Center for Manufacturing Science and America Makes at the Lockheed Lighthouse Center for Innovation in Suffolk, VA.

The Wargame focused on the business challenges the Department of Defense (DoD) logistics enterprise will face once Additive Manufacturing technology is introduced. The event in Suffolk was the first in-depth examination of the process that it will take to introduce such revolutionary technology into the DoD.  In addition to studying the initiation process,participants also discussed acquisition strategy, intellectual property, risk, and liability.  

Troika’s Bob Appleton is an Additive Manufacturing expert and a highly regarded DoD resource.  Bob was proud to provide thought leadership in the discussion that will help guide implementation of Additive Manufacturing in the DoD, especially as it affects coordination with industry.

The Additive Manufacturing Business Model Wargame preceded the CTMA Annual Partners meeting.

To learn more about Additive Manufacturing, the Wargame, or other Troika capabilities, please email us at

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