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Troika in NCIA News

Updated: Nov 15, 2019

In February, the NATO Communications and Information Agency (NCIA) highlighted Troika Solutions in its recap of the 2018 Defence Innovation Challenge. As a 2018 Challenge winner, Troika Solutions provided key insights into the challenge and advice for participants who attend the 2019 Innovation Challenge. From the article:

Feedback from conference attendees helped a different challenge winner, Troika Solutions, confirm there was an interest in battle space data fusion and visibility. The company received other opportunities based on the work it presented at the challenge, though those prospects were not specifically tied to people the company spoke with at NITEC, said Pam Rooney, who is in International Operations at the company.

The company has also been working on a project to expand a demonstration of in-field drone repair using additive manufacturing (3D printing) and drawings authenticated by blockchain technology, Rooney noted in November. Troika Solutions demonstrated the in-field drone repair work at a NATO exercise called CWIX, the Coalition Warrior Interoperability eXercise. Rooney's advice for the 2019 challenge participants was to "prepare yourself to hear relevant speakers and understand NATO priorities and processes!"

Troika plans to attend the 2019 Defense Innovation Challenge to continue to showcase its technical solutions.

Edited by Sarah Plaut

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